Saturday, January 4, 2020


Well here we are in a brand new year.  Happy 2020!
  I realize it has been five years since I posted a blog!  That is crazy.  I had no idea it had been that long. Life has been busy.  
As I began thinking about what I want this new year to look like the one thing that stood out (once again) is the desire to draw nearer to My Lord.  While shopping for Christmas gifts I picked up Priscilla Shirer's book "Discerning the Voice Of GOD" on a whim.  Then I decided at the last minute to take it with me on a trip to AZ.  

During the first few days in AZ I was to ill to do much other than sleep and skim Facebook.  On January 1, 2020 I came across a post by Margaret Feinberg where she talks about asking God to give her "One Word" for the coming year.  (link to the post is below)
The idea is to have the Lord give you one word you can study, one word that will lead me closer to Christ. One word that causes my ears to perk up and pay attention every time it appears.  I was intrigued by the idea and wanted to do it, but didn't really act on it.
Then on January 3rd I was watching a Beth Moore video on Taking Happy Back. During the video break two young ladies actually mentioned this discipline of asking GOD to give you a word for the year.  Well, since I don't believe in coincidences my spiritual ears perked up and I was like,  "Hmmm.... that is very interesting.  I think the Lord wants me to do this." 
So I asked him,  "Okay Lord, what will it be? I'm asking you to give me one word for this year.  Please make it clear to me what it is to be.  I'm thinking it is supposed to be the word "hear", yet not in the English way we think of it, but in the Hebrew way of understanding words.  Where the word for "hear" is still a verb but means to hear, listen, AND to obey.  Please confirm this for me if it is indeed the word." 

This morning when I finally sat down to read the next bit of Discerning the Voice of GOD (I had already read part of the first chapter), I attempted to read the first paragraph on page 21 at least three times.  However, I had received phone calls or been distracted each time.  Finally, as I headed to refill my coffee cup and returned to try again the heading of the page caught my eye.

I began to chuckle to myself.  When I had refilled my cup and sat back down I read "One of the most common reasons why we don't hear from God is perhaps the most obvious: We're not listening."
Over the course of the next five pages I read the words listen & hear (with the understanding that if you have listened and heard you will obey!) no less than 37 times.
Oh my goodness; laughter shook my body as I realized the number of times the word(s) appeared on those pages! He totally cracked me up.  😂

Then I looked at the bottom of page 20 and saw this verse: 

Take into your heart all my words
which I will speak to you and listen closely
Ezekiel 3:10

Oh the joy that fills my heart to overflowing; it splashes and sparkles filling my soul and spirit! 
HE is so very good, kind and loving.  Jesus took my request for clarity seriously and responded in a humorously whimsical way. 
How I love my Heavenly Papa!  I just want to worship, dance and sing His praises. 💖

I am so excited to see how He will grow our relationship over the next year.  

Are you willing to ask Him for a Word today?

Here's the link to Margaret Feinberg's post.  (It's free).