Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday's Mission Adventure

Good evening! Or is it afternoon for you?

Today was incredible. I can see now why you don't want to spend money on more things. I would much rather save our money to pay for mission work every year. You realize that I have to come back next year, don't you? Well, we've really done it now. A monster has been created. HA! I am committed to doing missions. I keep wondering how soon we will be able to begin going together and/or with the kids.

Today was so wonderful. We went to that little village. I don't know what the numbers were from today. I know we saw over a hundred people. We had 24 children and I think most, if not all, of the townsfolk were there for the service. I believe there were perhaps 35 people saved and I absolutely love the people of the town. They were so nice. They were so kind. I love the way they (the ladies) would come up to me and kiss me on each cheek. Such a friendly greeting. I got some wonderful pictures. They had a well for drawing water! A real live well with a bucket and everything!

Did I mention that I was Zacheuss each day? I think I did. Well, I have to tell you that I had an absolute blast being overly dramatic! I also had many complements on playing my part. I told them I can over-act anything. Even many of the adults stayed to watch us (and a couple joined in) with our playing with the kids. They really seemed to enjoy our stories.

Matthew, the man who was instrumental in finding this town for us to visit today, saw me taking pictures of some of the beautiful roses and asked me which color I wanted. I said, "I didn't know. Yellow perhaps." So he brought me back one of each! He was so sweet. He is perhaps 70 something? I'll show a picture of him to you sometime... he and his wife were at dinner this evening.

My testimony went very well. I wasn't even nervous. It must have been everyones prayers.  One thing that I found incredibly encouraging was how GOD orchestrated something.   I gave my testimony today.  At the end of my testimony I shared what I consider my life verse with them, which is Jeremiah 29:11-14b  
It says, "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.  Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you.  You will seed me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you and will bring you back from captivity."   
So anyway, later when I looked at the scripture from KLOVE that day it was this: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim hat captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free.  --Luke 4:18  NLT 
I thought, "Wow!  Okay now that has God's fingerprints all over it!"  The "Good News to the poor" symbolized my sharing my testimony.  The "Blind will see" was our sharing the glasses. The "Captives will be released" and "Oppressed will be set free" symbolized the freedom we find in salvation that Christ gives us.  Isn't that awesome?  See why I am so crazy in love with our LORD?  It makes me want to jump up and down and clap my hands!  LOL  How I praise Him!  

We had a lovely dinner with everyone this evening. It was so nice and yet bitter sweet. I miss Mark and the kids and am ready to be with them again. Yet, I have fallen in love with the people of Romania. They are just so generous! There was someone everyday who provided a lunch for us. They were so thankful we came, they wanted to do something for us in return. I have to say I have likely gained some weight. But how could I refuse when they made such a kind gesture--and the food was so good!

John did so well with his testimony. I really enjoyed hearing what GOD has done in his life. I noticed tonight that our testimonies and Charles' sermons somehow fit together. Like they were meant to be done exactly that way. As if it were planned. I know he must be good at preaching spontaneously, but I was still very impressed. God has truly been at work. HE amazes me.

One other thing I noticed was that so many of the women I became friends with this week have also lost their father at an early age, as I did. What a sad thing to have in common. Yet I think that truly added to our bond. I'm looking forward to staying in touch with them.

One of the girls, Amailia, (16) gave Zoe a gift. That first day we were here she was with us as we shopped to help translate. Anyway, I was looking for a traditional doll from here. I never did find one I liked. Well today she gives me a gift for Zoe. It was a baby doll! I took a picture of her with it. I later found out that this doll was a gift Amalia received for Christmas this year! That she very fond of it, but thought that Zoe would love it more. Okay, I have to tell you, this just slayed me. I began bawling right then. Poor dear. I upset her with my crying. But I couldn't help it. How precious she is! How utterly unselfish! Bless her heart. How I love and adore her!

I'm sure there is more to share but I probably should be going to bed soon. I am so thankful for this opportunity and for Mark holding down the fort there at home. What a blessing he is!

Tomorrow we will be leaving to catch the plane at 5:oo and then will have a day to sight see and perhaps shop. Then we will be getting up at 3:00 to get on the plane to fly to Amsterdam, have about a three hour layover, and then get on a plane to fly to Minneapolis (I think) It is supposed to be about a nine hour flight. Then it will be another two or three hours and we will fly home to st. Louis.

Good night!

All for the Glory of Christ Jesus!!!


  1. glad I bummed into your blog - what a nice treat - i will be back to visit that's for sure

    keep chasing righteousness!!!!!

  2. Thank You! This trip was such a blessing. I'm looking forward to many more.
